
Quinta do Colmeal is very rich on resources. In portuguese Quinta stands for Farm and Colmeal stands for Apiary. AgroColmeal is the company responsibles to manage the farming and enviroment activities in cooperation with touristic activities.

Quinta do Colmeal has more than 600 hectares of land, it has springs of mountain water, it has plenty wild life and it has a priceless historical village with more than 500 years of history.

At AgroColmeal we are setting up a case study of sustainable development based in four main pillars: Forestry, Agriculture, Technology and Tourism.

We have undergoing projects related with wine production, honey production, Pyrenean Oak management, wild life protection and tourism.

Ower Farm was owned by Pedro Álvares Cabral. He was the first European to arrive in Brazil! Our Logo makes tribute to him.